Client Need:
Arizent earns significant revenue through on-site advertising. It needed a flexible and reliable partner to ensure that campaigns were implemented quickly and accurately.
AW Solution
AutonomyWorks and Arizent jointly developed a process and communication templates to ensure clear communications of orders and custom requirements.
Multiple Arizent Account Managers submit transaction requests. AutonomyWorks validates order accuracy and resolves any issues. Once finalized, orders are entered, including timing, budget, targeting, and creative assets. All orders are validated to ensure accuracy and successful delivery.
In addition, AutonomyWorks supports reporting, assists the Account Management team, and trains new Arizent Account Managers on the established process.
AutonomyWorks has entered more than 10,000 lines into the order entry system with exceptional accuracy. More than 99% of requests are completed within one business day.