My name is Sheryl and I recently completed the AutonomyWorks’ Training Program and have been hired onto the team as a part-time Associate.

The training process itself was very gradual and very thorough. The hiring process starts off with a Job Shadow Day. The Job Shadow Day was where I and a few other candidates toured the office and got a brief overview of the company’s mission and goals and an introduction to the different types of work they do, in addition to trying our hand at some demo work.

The Assessment Day was a smaller version of what a full training day would be like, where I completed some more work sets, that were evaluated on time and accuracy.

After the Assessment Day, I was invited to participate in the Training Program. The Training Program was around eight weeks. At the beginning, it was just more work sets, but eventually I got to train on more specific work deliverables. There were also these worksheets with different examples of social situations commonly encountered in the workplace which had reminders and tips on how to navigate them successfully. I found these helpful.

Overall, the Training Program was a very positive experience, which I found to be suitable in spite of my total lack of previous work experience. Now that I am officially an Associate at AutonomyWorks, I am looking forward to producing the highest quality work I can, and to better myself, the company, and our clients with my contributions.

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